Inc. Equality Ventures approach equality in an innovative way by closing the inequality gap among the underprivileged through blending cognitive psychology with human-centered design thinking to manifest aspirations and human potential into real life achievements.
From entrepreneurial dare to ideal entrepreneur
At Inc. Equality Ventures, we turn ideas into smiles. Smiles of people whom ideas have touched. We help pilot ideas with a sustainable social cause.

Our Listening Ear
Our Listening Ear (OLE), is a ground-up initiative to support ex-offenders through their challenges and struggles as they readjust to society.

A mental wellness community for youths, by youths. We are an initiative that strives to rise above youths' childhood traumas and address the pains of adulting.
A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step
We like working from the ground up. We’d like to hear your ideas. We’d like to help you take the first step forward.
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